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Wave 3 Heading to Guatemala

By July 26, 2018February 2nd, 2020Deployments & Trips

Can you imagine suddenly today, you were never able to return home losing all possessions, livelihood, community and your church?

This is exactly what has taken place as entire villages were covered by more than 8′ of ash and then hardened. Thousands of families have been forced to relocate, trying to cope with the trauma on their own.
Recognizing this, the Guatemalan government has asked CRI to send teams to bring relief and minister to these refugees to help curb depression, hopelessness, and suicide. Will YOU Respond?

What an incredible opportunity to bring hope and help rebuild communities on the Kingdom of God!

Wave 3 will depart from Basic Training Camp in Triangle, Virginia.

The team will meet up at Basic Training Camp in Triangle, Virginia on Saturday 8/25 and will depart early Sunday morning 8/26 from Dulles International Airport.

Responders NOT attending Basic Training Camp are welcome to come Saturday to Basic Training Camp for free with dinner and airport pick-up.

New trainees and previously trained Responders attending the basic training or volunteering at the camp 8/21-8/26 will be provided with ground transportation Sunday morning to Dulles International Airport.
Relief supplies and bibles are still desperately needed!

Not trained yet? Want to brush up on skills or volunteer?

Previously trained Responders, bring your friends while you volunteer and we will give you a discount!

Get a group together from your church and get a group discount.

Online Course 1 Graduates, get more in-depth training.

Parents bring your kids. They will love this experience!


Individual – $399
Couples – $350
Youth (9-17) – $199
Group Rate (3 or more) – $350
Previously Trained Responder (taking the training) – $250
Responders Volunteering as Event Staff – $199

You can also choose to deploy directly from the camp to Guatemala.

Prince Willam Forest Park
16675 Pleasant Road
Triangle, VA. 22172


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