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Oil Spill-Crisis in the Gulf

By June 9, 2010February 2nd, 2020Deployments & Trips

Once again…”biggest ever” of it’s kind. In the last few years in America seems like every disaster is the “biggest ever”.

So I don’t mean to be negative but folks seems to me like there is a whole lot of shaking going on. As we stand in the shadow of the Haitian earthquake and a world wide pandemic our own nation continues to suffer under a deepening economic and political crisis. What’s next?

Time to cry out to a loving compassionate God who longs for His American bride. God is so wonderful…If we would just turn to Him and call on His name… II Chronicles tells us He will come and heal our land!

Click the link to actually see how big this spill is. Enter your city and state name and “move the spill”.

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