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Introducing The Trust, advancing mercy missions around the world

If you want to make a tangible impact on nations experiencing crisis and disaster, CRI has an option to do just that. The truth is, in light of the Great Commission, we only have three options: go and live missionally, send, or disobey.
At CRI, we want to give you the opportunity to be a part of an apostolic sending team, impacting nations for Christ through
an initiative we are calling…The Trust.
The Trust is a new and exciting way to advance mercy missions around the world. The Trust is a group of individuals, churches, and corporations who understand the importance of a ministry like CRI and have chosen to join together to invest in it.
We are experiencing incredible growth as we move into our new missions base, expand our staff, train more responders and missionaries and ultimately increase our impact. We have an urgent need of your support!
We are inviting you to become a Trust Partner.
Trust Partners give voluntarily and sacrificially monthly or weekly to make this ministry possible so we can meet the needs of victims of crisis and disaster and bring the hope of Jesus Christ to the world.
The funds from The Trust are used to directly support CRI operational expenses – things like insurance, vehicle maintenance, modest staff salaries and all the funds it will take to run an 85-acre mission base & campus.
Here’s why we’re doing this: when a disaster strikes, we want to put 100% of every dollar donated for relief directly into assisting those in need during a crisis and not overhead expenses.
To do this, we are looking for people who understand that it takes finances and consistent financial backing to run a charity like CRI. Will you join the team?
If you’re already giving weekly or monthly, thank you! If not, then please prayerfully ask the Lord if you are to partner with CRI in this season.