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Have you lost power?

By July 25, 2019Articles



Does it feel like nothing is working or even everything has been against you?
Rest assured, God is for you and NOT against you. His plans for you are GOOD and not for evil. Just settle that right now!
Just like a circuit breaker that gets tripped; When suddenly the power goes off in our lives, and nothing is working, it may be a sign the Lord wants to “RESET” you.

There are three main reasons a circuit breaker trips and the power shuts off.

Circuit Overload – This occurs when too much power runs through a circuit; it is overloaded. We add shiny new appliances or even new additions to the house, and we do not upgrade our power supply and connections. We need to be careful not to take on more than we are rated for or bear “loads” that are not ours. New breakers need to be added to distribute the power and carry the additional loads. Likewise, in our own lives, we need to stay focused on the assignment God gave us to do and not look to the left or the right. Taking time to RESET helps us reconnect with the original call and our first love with Christ.

Short Circuit – This occurs when we get our wires crossed. This speaks of misunderstanding our assignment. Our insulation is worn thin, or we are frayed or broken, and we start “arcing” to others around us. The breaker trips to protect from a fire burning down the house or people being hurt. There are times when we need to set aside time to seek the face of God and hear what he has for us in the next season.

Ground Fault – Much like a “short circuit.” This occurs when a hot wire touches a ground wire. When you start fault-finding, it’s a sign that it is time to shut the power off and get “rewired.” We need to make sure our lives are adequately grounded in the written Word of God and that we are properly aligned and connected to the God-ordained relationships around us.

Rather than try to keep running with an outdated operating system that keeps shorting out, it’s time to embrace the work of the Lord so He can bring a greater flow of power into your life!

Start by taking a spiritual inventory, being honest with yourself and bring it all to the Lord.

This reset is an invitation that can be resisted but you will remain outdated and lack the power to accomplish what’s before you.

Come spend a long weekend with friends and family August 2-4 at the CRI Base reconnecting, relaxing and resetting, together.
Much of our time will be spontaneous but we are sure we will have rich times of worship, personal ministry and breakthrough.

Register Today!
